I Am . . .

A brand-new unisex fragrance created by Scent Artist Carolyn Dunne for the DPA celebrity gifting suite before the 2023 Oscars.

"I Am . . ." taps into the universal consciousness of our humanity, celebrating the qualities of the great I Am we all share and can access at any time: fresh, free, aligned, one with the universe, compassionate, self-loving, luminous.

Custom Fragrances

The great I Am, the universal spirit, is part of all of us and links us all. How we live our human experience: the lives we touch, the things we learn, the gifts we hone and bring to the world--that's personal, that's uniquely us.
We're both one with the world and one of a kind. And each deserves to be celebrated.

When you're ready to celebrate what makes you uniquely you--to step into the true you--call (919) 659-5661 to learn about our Signature Custom Perfume Experience.